Natural measures for rheumatism

Rheumatism (or arthritis) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints. In most cases, medications with many side effects are prescribed. However, natural measures can massively reduce inflammation and alleviate the symptoms. Review your lifestyle and diet. Because as soon as you make changes here, the rheumatism often gets noticeably better.

In the case of rheumatism, natural measures can help

Rheumatism affects many people – young or old- although older people are much more likely to be rheumatic. A pulling, tearing pain characterises rheumatic diseases. These include, for example:

  • osteoarthritis (from the group of degenerative, i.e. wear-related rheumatic diseases)
  • rheumatoid arthritis (from the group of inflammatory and autoimmune rheumatic diseases)
  • lupus erythematosus (from the group of so-called collagenosis (= connective tissue diseases))
  • gout (from the group of metabolic diseases)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • and up to 400 other diseases.

Even if hardly any doctor will make you aware of it, natural measures can alleviate your rheumatism. These measures can be tested BEFORE resorting to medication. In most cases, however, they can always be used as an accompaniment to conventional medical therapy.

Holistic measures are suitable for every rheumatic disease.

Since it is not possible to deal with all rheumatic diseases equally in a single article, we will concentrate here on rheumatoid arthritis because it is the most widespread rheumatic disease.

This leads to inflamed joints, corresponding joint pain, and systemic complaints such as sleep disorders, fatigue, and general weakness. The risk of other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, also increases.

In the same way, other problems can occur in the joints, e.g. the probability of the so-called Baker’s cyst in a rheumatic joint increases.

Fortunately, holistic measures never treat just one specific disease. Rather, they strengthen the organism to find its healthy balance again and independently alleviate or even defeat the symptoms in the best possible way. Therefore, implementing almost all subsequent measures for any rheumatic disease is extremely promising!

What are the causes of rheumatism?

As always, there are many possible causes. In most cases, there are several causes simultaneously, which, combined, trigger the development of rheumatism. Yes, even the course of childhood influences the risk of becoming rheumatic at some point.

Early weaning promotes rheumatism.

For example, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that breastfed people for more than 12 months were less likely to get rheumatism later in life than those who received breast milk for a short time.

Hormonal factors in adolescence are also decisive. Thus, the same scientists stated that early onset of the first menstruation can increase the risk of rheumatism.

Premature puberty can be caused by obesity and exposure to plasticizers from plastics (BPA), which also promotes obesity.

So make sure your children avoid plastic wherever possible, e.g. in food packaging, pacifiers, baby bottles and toys.

The influence of hereditary factors is less than expected

Many people believe that only the genetic makeup is responsible for when a chronic disease occurs. However, studies on twins have shown that genetic makeup is only a small part of the reason for a disease.

The influence of environmental factors, lifestyle, and diet is much stronger. Because even with identical twins, both rarely fall ill simultaneously. Often, only one twin gets sick while the other remains healthy.

A sick intestine can cause rheumatism.

It is known that patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (e.g. Crohn’s disease) often have inflammatory rheumatic diseases simultaneously. Studies of the intestinal flora of rheumatics have also shown that their microbial composition differs from that of healthy individuals and has a significant pro-inflammatory potential. So, there are undeniable links between gut health and joint health.

Since arthritis is an autoimmune disease, intestinal health plays a particularly important role here. Because if the intestinal mucosa becomes permeable due to poor diet, stress, medication, etc., it can trigger the undesirable autoimmune process.

One speaks of the so-called leaky gut syndrome (permeable intestinal syndrome): The intestinal mucosa normally represents a natural barrier for pollutants, incompletely digested food components (e.g. proteins) and toxic metabolic end products, while vital substances and nutrients can pass unhindered.

If the intestine is irritated by an unhealthy diet and medication, fermentation and undigested food, fungi settle, and the intestinal flora is disturbed.

A disturbed intestinal flora, however, can no longer perform its original task (protection of the intestinal mucosa), after which pathogenic germs, toxins, and undigested proteins pass through the intestinal mucosa and can now trigger allergies and autoimmune processes.

Intestinal rehabilitation and the development of a healthy intestinal flora is an essential and cause-oriented measure to restore the original intestinal health, even in the case of rheumatism.

Milk and meat consumption can promote rheumatism.

A study from January 2018 showed that people who have a genetic predisposition to arthritis are more likely to develop arthritis, especially if they have been infected with a specific bacterium – the so-called MAP bacterium – through milk and meat consumption.

Other possible causes of arthritis and rheumatic diseases

Other possible causes or risk factors for the development of arthritis are:

  • A vitamin D deficiency
  • A deficiency of other vital substances
  • A generally unfavorable diet
  • Food intolerances
  • Stress
  • Chronic hyperacidity
  • Thyroid problems
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Contamination with heavy metals, etc.

Natural measures for rheumatism

These possible causes then also result in the appropriate measures. If a vitamin D deficiency is a disease risk factor, you should remedy such a deficiency as quickly as possible – whether you are already ill or want to prevent it.

The same is done with all other possible causes, whereby, of course, you first check what applies to your condition.

Vitamin D can improve rheumatism.

A vitamin D deficiency is often observed in chronic diseases, including regularly in rheumatics. A 2017 study also showed that the administration of vitamin D leads to an improvement in symptoms (4).

Therefore, check your vitamin D level and, depending on the result, take the right dose to remedy a deficiency as quickly as possible.

Fasting for rheumatism takes away the pain.

Suppose you want to quickly remove your rheumatism pain within a few days! For most arthritis patients, therapeutic fasting dissolves the excruciating pain into thin air within a few days so that conventional medical medication can be discontinued during fasting.

However, after fasting, the pain returns. What does that mean? Fasting helps, but only as long as you are fasting. However, since it is difficult to live permanently without food, fasting is useless in the long term.

The mistake here is that fasting works not only because you don’t eat anything but because you inevitably don’t eat anything that harms your body.

If, after fasting, you only eat foods that are beneficial, healthy and to which there is no food intolerance, then the pain remains low, and the body can slowly but surely recover and regain its strength.

Watch out for food intolerances.

Some patients report that certain foods can trigger an arthritis flare-up in them. Rarely are they taken seriously by their doctors. In studies with a so-called elimination diet, it was discovered that 30 to 40 percent of rheumatism patients could significantly improve their symptoms after 10 to 21 days if they omitted those foods to which they were sensitive.

Extensive nutritional advice with a subsequent change in diet could significantly alleviate symptoms.

Grains and milk proteins, in particular, can lead to food intolerances. On the other hand, the diet often recommended by doctors for arthritis and rheumatism contains a particularly high amount of dairy products, which can aggravate the problem in some sufferers.

Avoid sugar and white flour for rheumatism.

In rheumatism patients, impaired glucose metabolism with insulin resistance can often be observed. However, if there is a disturbed glucose metabolism, isolated carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour products, and all-ready meals containing these two ingredients should be avoided to not further exacerbate the problem.

Some people living with arthritis report that sugar can make their flare-ups worse and that they can observe how their joints swell, and the pain becomes more severe immediately after eating high-sugar products (cakes, sweets, soft drinks, sweetened dairy products, etc.).

Choose healthy fats

A diet that permanently contains too high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids and at the same time not enough omega-3 fatty acids promotes the body’s tendency to inflammation.

The ratio of the two fatty acid groups (omega-6 to omega-3) is, on average, 25 to 1, but the desirable ratio should be around 2 to 1. Omega-6 fatty acids, such as the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, are found in animal products. Many isolated vegetable oils (sunflower, safflower, argan, pumpkin seed, etc.) contain linoleic acid, another omega-6 fatty acid.

The desirable and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids are particularly found in linseed, linseed oil, hemp seed, hemp oil, and the corresponding dietary supplements (e.g. algae oils).

Olive oil can be used for cooking and coconut oil for frying. The above-mentioned omega-3-rich oils should be only used for raw food, as they are not heat-stable.

Antioxidants inhibit inflammation

Free radicals and oxidative stress-strain the immune system – especially if an inflammatory disease is already present. This is because inflammation leads to an explosive proliferation of free radicals. Free radicals can now directly attack the collagen in the cartilage tissue and impair its molecular structure.

Antioxidants that fight free radicals are found in large quantities in a healthy, natural diet. In addition, they can be taken as dietary supplements, e.g. astaxanthin, sulforaphane, OPC, vitamin C or curcumin, especially at the beginning of therapy. The following presents two examples of the antioxidant plant substances mentioned.

Curcumin against rheumatism

The results were predominantly positive in an evaluation of 8 studies, all of which were dedicated to a possible effect of curcumin. Curcumin was able to noticeably alleviate the symptoms of arthritis compared to placebo preparations, but at least 1000 mg per day would have to be taken (18).

Curcumin is the yellow pigment from curcumin on rheumatism (turmeric), a well-known component of curry spice.

OPC from grape seed extract against rheumatism

OPC stands for oligoproanthocyanidins, a substance that occurs in large quantities in grape seeds and is commercially available in the form of grape seed extracts.

A 2013 study (in mice) found that OPC could reduce the autoimmune and inflammatory processes associated with arthritis (19). Also, in 2018, a study showed that OPC from grape seed extract improved arthritis in mice and reduced corresponding tissue damage (20). Since OPC also shows promise in other chronic inflammatory diseases, it is worth a try for arthritis, e.g. in combination with curcumin.

If you are taking “blood thinners”, discuss taking curcumin or OPC with your doctor, as both are natural blood thinners, so that they may increase the effect of anticoagulant medicines.

When buying OPC preparations, make sure that the content of OPC is specifically indicated. It is not sufficient if the content of grape seed extract is indicated because grape seed extracts can contain different amounts of OPC. The content of OPC should be from 200 to 500 mg per daily dose.

Try to avoid nightshade vegetables.

Solanaceae plants (tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, chili) are suspected of aggravating arthritis. Therefore, if you have already tried many measures and are eating very healthy, but your disease is still not improving, try a nightshade-free diet and see how it affects you.

Optimize your supply of minerals and vitamins.

Again and again, studies show that vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, special fatty acids and phytochemicals can contribute to the alleviation of arthritis or its prevention. We had already discussed vitamin D at the beginning. But vitamin C is also considered a protective factor against rheumatoid arthritis, as a study showed that people with rheumatism often eat fewer sources of vitamin C than healthy people.

There is also evidence of the anti-rheumatic effect of vitamins A and E and the vitamin B complex. The enzyme bromelain from pineapple is known for its anti-inflammatory effect so enzyme preparations can be used. The trace elements selenium, manganese and boron should also not be missing in any arthritis therapy.

At the first signs of rheumatism, all vitamin and mineral deficiencies should be clarified to supplement specifically, not just those we present here. If we were to go into all the individual vitamins, minerals and trace elements, this would go beyond the scope of an article.

Remedy magnesium deficiency in rheumatism

Magnesium deficiency can promote arthritis, and conversely, an adequate magnesium supply can reduce the risk of arthritis and alleviate existing arthritis:

  • Magnesium promotes cartilage formation.
  • Magnesium promotes the conversion of certain proteins into cartilage tissue.
  • Magnesium improves bone density (with the help of magnesium, calcium can be incorporated into the bones – osteoporosis is a popular secondary disease of arthritis)
  • Magnesium has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, avoid excess magnesium.

In a 2020 observational study, it was discovered that the risk of arthritis is lowest if you consume a minimum of 180 mg and a maximum of 440 mg of magnesium daily. If the magnesium intake is lower than 180 mg or higher than 440 mg, the risk of arthritis increases rapidly (21).

Magnesium is also an important mineral that helps prevent chronic hyperacidity and, therefore, serves well in alkalization:

Alkalising relieves inflammation and inhibits autoimmune processes.

The metabolism of unhealthy food produces acids that enter the blood from the intestine. In any case, the blood must maintain a certain slightly alkaline pH value. Otherwise, the life-threatening symptoms of blood acidosis would occur.

The acids are, therefore, shifted into the intercellular and connective tissue, where they are temporarily stored (adhered fasciae) until the organism can excrete the acids via the kidneys, intestines or skin. However, since new acids are constantly arriving in the body, the acid deposits are usually preserved and can only be broken down incompletely, so the connective tissue sticks together.

However, for all cells to be optimally supplied with vital nutrients and, at the same time, to be able to detoxify regularly, a clean interstitial and connective tissue is of outstanding importance. An over-acidified connective tissue consequently leads to a slowed metabolism overloaded excretory organs (liver, kidneys) and impairs the functions of the immune system. Chronic metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases and inflammation can be the result.

As is well known, the existence of such hyperacidity is persistently denied by conventional medicine. In the meantime, however, initial studies indicate that alkalizing measures, such as taking baking soda, can even influence the immune system so that autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammatory processes improve. Since arthritis belongs to both groups of diseases, alkalizing is an important part of naturopathic therapy.

Avoid constant stress and dissolve emotional burdens.

Stress can be a significant factor in the possible development of arthritis. Stress hormones can lead to the release of pro-inflammatory messenger substances (cytokines) and thus promote the development of arthritis. Disturbances in the female hormone cycle are also considered a possible trigger for arthritis.

For example, progesterone is a hormone with anti-inflammatory effects, among other things. Stress, however, can lead to low progesterone levels and also promote inflammation in this way. Adequate stress management should, therefore, not be underestimated not only by our mind but also by our body.

In case of rheumatism, check your hormone balance.

During menopause, progesterone and estrogen levels decrease, so this could be one explanation for the increased incidence of arthritis in women at this stage of life.

Women who suffer from rheumatism at a younger age report that the symptoms are much milder in the second half of the cycle – i.e. when estrogen and progesterone levels are higher. Therefore, a balanced hormone level is important to avoid increasing the risk of arthritis and rheumatism unnecessarily.

Hormone replacement therapy with synthetic hormones is not required for this. In the meantime, there are bio-identical hormones with good effects and hardly any side effects.

Cartilage building is only possible with a healthy thyroid gland.

The thyroid hormone T3 regulates, among other things, the activities of cartilage cells. If the thyroid gland releases too much or too little T3, cartilage breakdown occurs, resulting in joint damage. Although this aspect is particularly important for osteoarthritis, the cartilage build-up desired in arthritis therapy will only succeed if the thyroid gland releases the necessary hormones correctly.

In case of rheumatism, check your teeth and gums.

Bacteria from inflammatory teeth (e.g. root-canal teeth) can reach other organs (including the joints) via the bloodstream and lead to renewed inflammation there. Furthermore, it was discovered that periodontitis (chronic inflammation of the gums) can be a risk factor for developing arthritis. For example, one study found that the risk of arthritis for patients with periodontitis is almost 3 to 9 times higher than those without periodontitis. Periodontitis, however, can also be tackled holistically.

Nutritional supplements for rheumatism

Take the ones that are right for you. This means that if a vitamin D deficiency has been shown, take vitamin D. If your zinc levels are too low, take zinc. If your diet is low in magnesium, take a magnesium supplement, etc.

You can take a vitamin B complex, vitamin C and magnesium in almost any case. Even if you were not deficient here, surpluses – assuming healthy kidneys and heart – would be discharged without problems.

In addition, there are special dietary supplements that specifically focus on joint health, e.g. rosehip. Various clinical studies have shown that suitable dietary supplements – 2.5 g twice a day – relieve pain, inhibit inflammation and improve mobility in osteoarthritis. However, even in the case of arthritis, a study showed that 5 g of rosehip powder daily positively affects arthritis and can, therefore, accompany therapy.

Sulforaphane, the plant substance from broccoli and broccoli sprouts, has so far only been the subject of in vitro and animal studies. They show that the substance could inhibit arthritis-typical inflammation and prevent disease progression.

Black seed oil might also be worth a try: In an August 2012 study, arthritis patients were given 500 mg twice daily (for one month). The symptoms improved significantly compared to the placebo group. Joint pain and swelling decreased, and morning stiffness of the joints was also reduced.

TCM for rheumatism: Tripterygium wilfordii

In 2014, a study (14) was published that confirmed what has been known in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries even without studies: The medicinal plant Tripterygium wilfordii (also known as Wilford’s three-winged fruit) helps with joint pain, inflammation, oedema and fever. The study compared the effect of an extract of the healing plant with methotrexate, an active ingredient often prescribed for inflammatory joint diseases.

Side effects of methotrexate

The methotrexate leaflet lists so many possible side effects that it will take an estimated 15 minutes to read the long list. These include bone marrow disorder with hematopoiesis disorder, shingles, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of blood vessels as a severe toxic phenomenon, kidney failure, depression and severe life-threatening allergic skin reactions. The headaches, exhaustion, itching, diarrhoea and nausea that are also listed are the least of the problems. Even those listed first are not necessarily very rare (less than 1 in 10,000 people), but side effects occur occasionally, meaning up to 10 in 1000 people. So, before taking this remedy, the search for alternatives is more than recommended.

Tripterygium wilfordii works better than methotrexate.

In the above-mentioned randomized (but not placebo-controlled) study, 207 participants received either methotrexate (12.5 mg) or tripterygium extract (20 mg three times daily) or a combination of both once a week for six months. There were 69 participants in each group.

At the end of the study, they looked at how many patients had experienced at least a 50 percent improvement in their symptoms.

  • In the methotrexate group, it was 46.4 percent of the participants.
  • In the Tripterygium group, it was 55.1 percent of the participants.
  • In the combined group, it was 76.8 percent of the participants.

The herbal remedy worked at least as well as methotrexate, even a little better. And even if you want to take methotrexate, you could take tripterygium in addition and get an even better result in this way. The plant has a strong anti-inflammatory effect (16), so the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction fell noticeably in the study participants. However, since the plant contains at least 300 ingredients, it has yet to be discovered which is the most effective.

In a rheumatism clinic in Beijing (Peking Union Medical College Hospital), two-thirds of patients receive Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F. The plant is also said to be able to help with autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Holistic measures possible in parallel with conventional medicine

Holistic therapy for rheumatism can also be carried out in parallel with conventional medical treatment already underway. In a body strengthened by holistic rheumatism therapy, conventional medicines can only cause side effects to a limited extent. As soon as holistic rheumatism therapy has an effect, conventional medical medication can be reduced, tapered off or discontinued.

Summary: holistic rheumatism therapy

Holistic rheumatism therapy thus consists of several areas, which – if necessary – can be expanded to include several supplementary measures:

  • Change your diet to an alkaline surplus, as natural as possible, without sugar and only with healthy fats, possibly with an introductory fasting cure.
  • Have food intolerances clarified and avoid incompatible foods.
  • Avoid stimulants (nicotine, alcohol, drugs) and discontinue unnecessary medication (sleeping pills, cold medicines, headache pills for only mild headaches, etc.). Smoking is considered an important contributory cause of arthritis.
  • Alkalizing: follow an alkaline diet. The intake of baking soda can also be helpful temporarily.
  • Intestinal rehabilitation, including building a healthy intestinal flora: Start with alkalizing and colon cleansing.
  • Check and correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies, especially with magnesium, which can be absorbed through diet or targeted supplementation.
  • Sunlight: Soak up the sun regularly to raise your vitamin D levels, or take an appropriate supplement after your current vitamin D levels are determined!
  • Take antioxidants in the form of green tea or supplements, such as the following:
  • The plant substance sulforaphane (e.g. in broccoli sprouts) blocks the function of those harmful enzymes in the body that are involved in the development of arthritis and can lead to inflammation and pain. If the sulforaphane level in the blood is increased, the plant substance can migrate into the tissue of the joints and protect against arthritis directly on site.
  • MSM is an organic sulfur compound that inhibited the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cartilage-degrading enzymes in a study and thus could stop arthritis – especially in the early stages. Pain reduction and greater mobility can be the consequences of MSM.
  • Rosehip powder and black cumin oil could also be included in the therapy.
  • Natural enzyme preparations: The enzymes in natural enzyme preparations (bromelain, papain, etc.) have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Careful dental hygiene: Due to the connection between periodontitis and arthritis, meticulous attention should be paid to gum and dental health. If you follow our nutrition tips, this alone leads to significantly better dental health. You should also use a chemical-free toothpaste and floss regularly. Carry out an oil rinse (also called oil-pulling) or a mouthwash with the caries-inhibiting sugar substitute xylitol or green tea daily.
  • Stress reduction: Take care of relaxation measures and organize your day so that it can be managed stress-free.
  • Occupational therapy and physiotherapy: Correct and regular exercise is extremely important for arthritis, as lack of exercise will quickly lead to increased joint stiffness. Inquire about a capable physiotherapist and join a rheumatism sports group that meets regularly for activities, such as in the swimming pool, running clubs, or gyms.
  • Massage oil for aching arthritis joints: If the joints hurt, you can use cinnamon oil for a pain-relieving massage.
  • Hemp extract for pain: Hemp extract is derived from THC-free hemp, which has no psychoactive effects but relieves pain, inhibits inflammation, helps with sleep disorders and stabilizes the psyche. It is, therefore, a natural painkiller that, when used properly, has hardly any side effects and for which no habit effect is known. You can take the extract drop by drop or massage it onto the painful areas.
  • Phytotherapy: In one study, the participating arthritis patients were divided into two groups. One group received 2 x 100 mg diclofenac (an anti-inflammatory painkiller), the other received only 50 mg diclofenac and 50 grams of steamed nettle leaf puree daily (divided into three portions). In both groups, rheumatism-specific blood values and pain, restricted movement and stiffness improved by 70 percent. Experience has shown that 50 mg diclofenac cannot bring about such relief of arthritic symptoms, so nettle puree can replace 150 mg diclofenac or help to reduce the medication, which is rich in side effects. If you have problems procuring nettle leaves, use fresh nettle plant pressed juice. (Source: Guide to Phytotherapy, Schilcher/Kammerer, 2nd edition, p. 773 )

Additional measures that you should discuss with a competent therapist:

  • Have possible food intolerances tested and avoid the corresponding foods
  • Targeted removal of heavy metals after checking whether there is a corresponding contamination.
  • Rehabilitation of possible tooth problems and expert removal of heavy metal dental fillings.
  • Checking thyroid health
  • Checking the hormone status in women and possibly taking bio-identical hormone preparations
  • Concomitant therapies such as homeopathy, hydrotherapy (Kneipp), etc.

In the case of rheumatism, implement holistic measures slowly!

Depending on the stage of rheumatism and the general condition of the individual, the components of holistic arthritis therapy should be implemented bit by bit and by no means all at the same time and in consultation with your doctor.

Holistic rheumatism therapy leads to an enormous excretion of toxins and stored harmful metabolic end products, so this process – if it is not initiated step by step but hastily – can trigger so-called healing crises. Therefore, proceed wisely, systematically, and consistently, and never lose sight of your goal: Finally, be pain-free and healthy!

Due to the detoxification effect – regular Colonics during the holistic rheumatism therapy is extremely helpful.

Natural measures for rheumatis
© Gavrilovic

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